llucii wonders...
Black llucii : +red :

llucii listens to... ::

Suzanne Vega's...


Tuesday, November 15, 2005

"I have come to light the lamp of love in your hearts, to see that it shines day by day with added luster. I have come to tell you of this universal, unitary faith, this spiritual principle, this path of love, this duty of love, this obligation to love. Every religion teaches man to fill his being with the glory of God and to evict the pettiness of conceit. It trains him in the methods of unattachment and discernment, so that he may aim high and attain spiritual liberation. Believe that all hearts are motivated by the one and only God; that all faiths glorify the one and only God; that all names in all languages and all forms man can conceive denote the one and only God. His adoration is best done by means of love. Cultivate that attitude of oneness between men of all creeds and all countries. That is the message of love I bring. That is the message I wish you to take to heart.
Let the different faiths exist, let them flourish, and let the glory of God be sung in all the languages and a variety of tunes. That should be the ideal. Respect the differences between the faiths and recognize them as valid as long as they do not extinguish the flame of unity."

~Sathya Sai Baba

How strange the bubbles pop just when you thought you had run out of soapy water.


black llucii at 12:46:00 am



aching for life...


The Cat Welfare Society
Supported by Tomorrow.sg

:+: kakis :+:

: only boy at the table :

: I wiped his ass :

: my little warrior :

: my Queen :

: toy boy :

: feeling like chocolate :

: Cats Can Fly :

: Sexy piece of fleSh :

: The Green Jelly Rocket Scientist :

: she struck wood and made it sing :

: Candide Lives! :

.lovestruck changeling defrosting in spring's ardour.awaiting the green jelly rocket ship.3 angels in a bag & a pea in a pod.back to the moon evermore.

maystar designsmaystar designsmaystar designs

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