llucii wonders...
Black llucii : +red :

llucii listens to... ::

Suzanne Vega's...


Wednesday, May 04, 2005

You know you're swimming in shit when your nose is stuffed full with lecture notes in one nostril, and the other is reeking of overdue assignments.

I should pay more attention to the sunrise and sunset.

Sunrise and Sunset are technically the same thing, flipped over.

I look up "sunrise" and end up reading "scrotum".

You should have been there, the day I saw three suns: one setting, one singing, one glowing.

I have been consorting more with the solar than the lunar. Which way will Mid-Autumn blow?

The Sun has sunspots; The Moon has craters; I have large pores and blackheads, therefore I win.

The Sun is a supernova and the Moon is a satelite. Does that mean I will be a SuperLite? ...*man-handles blubber rings*

In the West there is a Man in the Moon. In the East it is a Lady. Will Misteress be offensive?

I saw the Moon looking at me. I winked. He poked me in the eye. And I was strangely contented.

Toilet paper: my romantic partner. my asswipe. my heartache.

black llucii at 11:39:00 pm



aching for life...


The Cat Welfare Society
Supported by Tomorrow.sg

:+: kakis :+:

: only boy at the table :

: I wiped his ass :

: my little warrior :

: my Queen :

: toy boy :

: feeling like chocolate :

: Cats Can Fly :

: Sexy piece of fleSh :

: The Green Jelly Rocket Scientist :

: she struck wood and made it sing :

: Candide Lives! :

.lovestruck changeling defrosting in spring's ardour.awaiting the green jelly rocket ship.3 angels in a bag & a pea in a pod.back to the moon evermore.

maystar designsmaystar designsmaystar designs

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