llucii wonders...
Black llucii : +red :

llucii listens to... ::

Suzanne Vega's...


Saturday, June 05, 2004

Lack of nocturnal sleep + Extreme daytime sleepiness could very well be cursors to possible narcolepsy or apneas of some sort.

"Who shall be judge whether the prince or legislative act contrary to their trust?... To this I reply: The people shall be judge."

My exams are next week. Sleep I have not, and neither drive. A fog I have entered from which I seem to be choosing not to escape. Thus I reiterate: My middle name should have been Procrastination.

"By fundamental law of nature, it could not be that the people lack the right to resist their own destruction. Therefore they must have a right to resist a government and recover the power it exercises over them."

The sweet sound of snoring singing in my ears, as my Blossom, strewn over the warm bed like fallen petals asleep in winter, brings to mind the comfort that awaits me as soon as I am done with these cantings of dithering philosophers...

llucii reads...

:: From Locke on Government, D.A. Thomas' Rebellion

black llucii at 8:54:00 am



aching for life...


The Cat Welfare Society
Supported by Tomorrow.sg

:+: kakis :+:

: only boy at the table :

: I wiped his ass :

: my little warrior :

: my Queen :

: toy boy :

: feeling like chocolate :

: Cats Can Fly :

: Sexy piece of fleSh :

: The Green Jelly Rocket Scientist :

: she struck wood and made it sing :

: Candide Lives! :

.lovestruck changeling defrosting in spring's ardour.awaiting the green jelly rocket ship.3 angels in a bag & a pea in a pod.back to the moon evermore.

maystar designsmaystar designsmaystar designs

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