llucii wonders...
Black llucii : +red :

llucii listens to... ::

Suzanne Vega's...


Thursday, May 20, 2004

A-trotting I went, one day, off with a merry skip,
Down a lane, and round about, to the lake for an icy dip.
There I chanced upon a fellow, queer as a roach's sneeze,
Who told me a story I'll never forget that made me laugh and wheeze!
So enjoy this poem, my dearest chooks,
One of his many conjurations.
And if you like, I'll give you more
To smother your daily lamentations!!
TA Daaaah!!

....stay tuned for more Lucii's Looney Limericks

Child of the pure unclouded brow
And dreaming eyes of wonder!
Though time be fleet, and I and thou
Are half a life asunder,
Thy loving smile will surely hail
The love-gift of a fairy-tale.

I have not seen thy sunny face,
Nor heard thy silver laughter;
No thought of me shall find a place
In thy young life's hereafter -
Enough that now thou wilt not fail
To listen to my fairy-tale.

A tale begun in other days,
When summer suns were glowing -
A simple chime, that served to time
The rhythmn of our rowing -
Whose echoes live in memory yet,
Though envious years would say 'forget'.

Come, heraken then, ere voice of dread,
With bitter tidings laden,
Shall summon to unwelcome bed
A melancholy maiden!
We are but older children, dear,
Who fret to find our bedtime near.

Without, the frost, the blinding snow,
The storm-wind's moody madness -
Within, the firelight's ruddy glow
And childhood's nest of gladness.
The magic words shall hold thee fast:
Thou shalt not heed the raving blast.

And though the shadow of a sigh
May tremble through the story
For 'happy summer days' gone by,
And vanish'd summer glory -
It shall not touch with breath of bale
The pleasance of our fairy-tale.

~ Lewis Carroll: Through the Looking Glass

black llucii at 7:32:00 pm



aching for life...


The Cat Welfare Society
Supported by Tomorrow.sg

:+: kakis :+:

: only boy at the table :

: I wiped his ass :

: my little warrior :

: my Queen :

: toy boy :

: feeling like chocolate :

: Cats Can Fly :

: Sexy piece of fleSh :

: The Green Jelly Rocket Scientist :

: she struck wood and made it sing :

: Candide Lives! :

.lovestruck changeling defrosting in spring's ardour.awaiting the green jelly rocket ship.3 angels in a bag & a pea in a pod.back to the moon evermore.

maystar designsmaystar designsmaystar designs

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