llucii wonders...
Black llucii : +red :

llucii listens to... ::

Suzanne Vega's...


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

How little there is left to say...

Perhaps the clock has stopped ticking...

Or maybe I've folded my ears in.

Whichever it is, would you listen anyway?

black llucii at 9:42:00 pm

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Caramel & Catastrophes...

"It won't do
To dream of Caramel 
To think of Cinnamon 
And long for you.

It won't do
To stir a deep desire
To fan a hidden fire
That can never burn true.

I know your name
I know your skin
I know the way these things begin...

And I don't know
How I will live with myself
What I'd forgive of myself
If you don't go.

So goodbye, Sweet Appetite
No single bite could satisfy..."

Have you been dreaming of Sweet Appetite?

black llucii at 4:17:00 pm

Friday, August 24, 2007

To all English teachers out there, couldn't you be more novel and stimulating like the Japanese?

**Video below contains explicit language. You view at your own risk!**

Bloss & Mary, I say you should adapt your lesson plans to include the above!!! I tell you, you will produce only 'A' students!

black llucii at 11:58:00 pm

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Just got a very sad and urgent email from a personal and very dear friend, who has a pet dog in danger of being put down at the SPCA if a foster home cannot be found for him.

A permanent home has already been found for him but can only be flown there in 3 months. He needs to be rescued from his current location ASAP for as long as he remains there, he is in constant danger of getting killed. He only needs a small corner in your room, house or garden, and ALL expenses will be paid for.

Please have a read of the message she has sent, below, and inform as many people as you know. Contact details are listed below as well.

Thank you all!

RE: Looking for a loving home to foster, Toffee, the Jack Russell


My sister and I are looking for a foster home for Toffee, our Jack Russell. Unfortunate incidents at home, unrelated to Toffee, have created the need for her to be fostered out for three and a half months (September to mid December).

Toffee is female and has been spayed. She is 9 years old (this is a rough estimate as we adopted her too) and is a very gentle and good-natured little lamb. She is house-trained and loves being around people. Meet her and she'll melt your heart!

We are willing to cover the expenses for food, shampoo, etc.

Please do not hesitate to contact us my email or cellphone:
Dawn Wee: dawnwee@gmail.com
June Wee: junewee@gmail.com, HP: 9848 1901

Thank you so much!


Dawn and June Wee

black llucii at 5:21:00 pm

Saturday, August 04, 2007


I’m wondering if you’ve got some time.

You’re busy?

That’s fine.


Oh, okay then...

Well, I just wanted to tell you a story. A story that I dreamt.

A story I dreamt and bathed in milk waters, holding close to me while we hummed in the moonlight. But as time ages, its starting to change. And I just thought I’d tell it to you, just incase...

...just incase we don’t come back this way again.

I have been sifting through the fragments again. Them beautiful shards. It brought so many smiles to see them glisten in the afternoon sun, casting rainbows on the wooden floor, and on my skin. I played with them til sunset. I actually forgot how much I missed them! Oh, these beautiful shards!

After handling each, staring at the wonder of their beauty through the sunlight, giggling like a child at their crazy shapes and soft colours, then laying them aside in the treasure box, I eventually got to that one. Yes, that’s right. That one. *chuckle* Seems so long ago, doesn’t it?

Anyway, I held it in my hand and admired the intricate gold that has come to be inlaid in the blue-green glass of the shard. For a moment I thought I felt a tremble, but I decided to take a closer look anyway.

And then it all came flooding back...

I can’t even remember how it happened or when it happened anymore. I just know that for as far back as I can remember, I’ve always just been trying to find my way back to Ïthiil. I no longer remember where I fell, and I don’t even remember anymore what would bring me back. And so I’ve always been searching.

Its hard travelling across deserts, oceans and mountain peaks while you’ve got fragments, but there was never any fear. I always knew I would go back one day so it was delightful to be able to see all the beauty of this new land before I did. Days dragged on to years, and years dragged on to Time... And so a century passed and I was still travelling with my precious knapsack of fragments, the dream of Lunär Ïthiil always keeping me marching on.

But you know how it is. When you enter a new world, the binds that keep you have to conform to the breath of the new realm. Thus, I found my memories slowly fading, and while my destination still remained vivid in my mind, I began to lose track of the threads that wove the dream.

So I walked slower, rested more often, and began to stop to play with the flowers longer. Eventually I near cleanly forgot my purpose and one day, made my abode in the outskirts of the village. I still knew, of course, that Lunäriin was strumming somewhere for me, and so I only ventured to the village town to stock up on depleted supplies and occasionally, to observe the festivities of the village folk. I got to know several of the folk intimately but these trysts were always brief for Ïthiil visited me every night, and the people could not understand what it meant.

Then one day, in an epiphany, I saw a crystalline butterfly and as it fluttered its delicate wings, the fog that had veiled my dream dissipated and I realised once more my purpose. However, by this time, having drunk from the springs, my being was forever changed and I would always have a soft spot for the dwellers. I wore my knapsack around my laxed shoulders and walked away from the village, never to return.

Through my travellings, my memories began to come back to me and I could journey faster, stopping less, ravelling less in the nostalgic distractions, and all I remember now of the sights I saw on this leg, are but colourful hazy shadows of reticent laughter and aromas.

But I am getting carried away. What I really want to tell you about is how I came to acquire these shards.

A curious thing began to happen after I left that village. I found the fragments in my knapsack had begun to render themselves.They were growing! Eventually I realised that they weren’t actually growing, but were rather, coming together. And I knew that something momentous was beckoning.

Then one night, when Ïthiil showed her face and bathed me in her familar glow, I found a path revealed before me. Confident with Ïthiil’s Light, I ventured on the path and saw things I had only known in my memories, until now. It was also on this peregrination that for the first time I saw the shards come together as a whole. I discarded the knapsack and journeyed with this newly-formed chalice in my hand. Together, we drank from nectarine waters of Lore, and rested in enclaves of aged oak, warmed by sapphirean fires that sprung from realms I could only conceive in my stupor.

Then one day, I saw the path was joined by another, of a different shade but equally beautiful. I eventually recognised that this new path wore the same shades as Ïthiil and with each passing day, the glimmer of Ïthiil grew more intense until one day, I found myself in a circle encompassed by both paths.

For the first time, I felt my heart break and I spent an unknown dimension of Time in the wretched circle, crying from the depths of my very soul. In the end, the allure of the first path, though revealing to me all the treasures and earthen wonders that it would lead me to, corporeal jewels that many have spent tears and blood to obtain, could not veil my nights, that were visited faithfully by Ïthiil, with its gossamer silk. And so with my chalice now broken again, but possessed with a myriad of colours which where before only shades of bluish-green, I took to the new path, with the previous etched forever in a place as elusive as Mind.

A lifetime has passed since that day. While my memories have now spun themselves into tangible pearly webs, and I can finally return to Ïthiil, though in an unexpected way, sitting here with this shard in my hand, I realise that I have become more like the dwellers than I ever thought possible. Perhaps it was the years that I journeyed, or perhaps it was the springs from which I had so often drunk,... then again, maybe it was the chalice and the golden path.

I am happy now that I have found the way back to Ïthiil. I thought before that I had to be with the path to get there, but I realise now that the path was merely a borrowed vassal that would have to be returned, a vassal I cannot take with me if I am to journey across the waters back to Ïthiil.

I look at the shard once more, lovingly, and a little sorrowfully, a keepsake of the only time I ever saw the chalice whole and enjoyed it. I will never know how to put you back together and I may never sit by the sapphirean fires with you again, but I just thought you’d like to know that you have more of me than I will ever have of you.

’Twas fair the maid, as beckoned thus,
a tear and smile, and elven dust.
Of moonshine born, none shall know,
A dream of lark and breath of snow.
Forever dancing merrily,
In the wind that kissed her mournfully.

If you should see the silver leaf,
that whispers sweet of Love and Grief.
Tell it not to shut the way within,
but point you to the Lunariin.
Who will tell you of the Jewelled Mill,
The way to reach the Dream Ïthiil.

black llucii at 7:38:00 pm

Monday, July 23, 2007

The funniest thing I've heard all day... *honey chuckle*

The Divine doesn't come to play your kind of dramas!

black llucii at 12:18:00 am

Sunday, July 15, 2007

She sat there frantically searching through the endless files for the lost photos. I lay back against the wall and smiled at her. .“She’s never gonna learn. What’s lost is lost forever.”

She turns around sharply and stares at me accusingly with tears streaming down her face as I give her a sheepish but wry smile. She knows its futile but she keeps on searching anyway. Fingering through the files desperately, she mutters a prayer repetitively, pretending that its really going to make a difference.

“Its not going to help, you know. He doesn’t help with things like that.”

She glares at me once more, anger piercing forth from the dark, deep wells of her eyes. You can almost see the pain wracking her thin, frail, pathetic body. Her lips red and feverish from untold grief, swollen with the sorrow of a thousand hearts suspended by thin silver threads, she drops the files that cascade slowly to the floor like dying leaves in the winter wind, and whispers, “If we don’t find it, we’ll never live to 3.15pm.”

Welcome to my lonely daffodil
With eyes of sunlit hues
A garden party awaits us inside
We’ll be late tonight

See the silver on my cloud
Between the hearts of Spring
An escapade to which we’ll go
Our lifetime on a swing

black llucii at 11:07:00 pm



aching for life...


The Cat Welfare Society
Supported by Tomorrow.sg

:+: kakis :+:

: only boy at the table :

: I wiped his ass :

: my little warrior :

: my Queen :

: toy boy :

: feeling like chocolate :

: Cats Can Fly :

: Sexy piece of fleSh :

: The Green Jelly Rocket Scientist :

: she struck wood and made it sing :

: Candide Lives! :

.lovestruck changeling defrosting in spring's ardour.awaiting the green jelly rocket ship.3 angels in a bag & a pea in a pod.back to the moon evermore.

maystar designsmaystar designsmaystar designs

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